Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Technology In The Classroom

Week 14

I watched several articles on internet safety, and one of the things I thought was interesting was cyber bullying--I didn't know that was even a concern on the internet! the fact that almost half of the children who use the internet have been bullied online and that a third have actually been threatened while only really shocked me. That's a very scary statistic, and it has probably escalated since the data was collected. Cyber bullying is definitely something I will want my students to be aware of, so I will most likely have a direct lesson on it in class and periodically follow up on it. I also want the students to be able to trust me and know that if they do run into a situation that scares them, they can tell me and we can take care of it.

It was also great to read the article from Elder Ballard about choosing the media we watch at pay attention too. I liked the 7 guidelines and how he encouraged us as adults to personally follow them as well as enforcing it among the growing children of today. This was the main topic of discussion between my aunt (31) and I. She has one little boy who is almost 5 years old, and the guidelines really put into perspective what she was watching and what she wants her son to watch. She just wasn't sure how to go about doing that and what sites to used. We went through a couple sources and then decided to ask some others in the family what they do. We called over my cousin (27) who has two children of her own and asked her how she is dealing with the growing technological world and the media being produced. She said she pre-screens movies or television shows. She also has set up a system known as K9 which literally barks when someone goes to a site not in your specified perameters. I thought that was really cool as well.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 12

I took the quiz.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week 11

This last week, I team taught a lesson on magnets using a PowerPoint. We had pretest questions, slides we had the students use for notes, and the post test questions. The students were able to use manipulatives at their desks throughout the lesson, but the PowerPoint helped focus them again before moving on to a new activity.

Photostory 2

My Digital Photostory--Basket's New Friends


Here is the link to my google sites with my google earth link and my digital photostory.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 10

Our classroom has a visualizer, so the students can come up and share their work for everyone to see. It allows then to explain what they did, making the concept more concrete for them, and providing a visual for those who learn better visually.

Week 8

I made this tour because I have always been fascinated by the different terrain found in America. Here is the Link.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 3- TPACK & Science/Math tools

TPACK is important to have because it enhances the overall learning of the students.  Knowing specific content areas, various ways of teaching it, and how to use technology in teaching those areas creates an inviting and stimulating learning environment, which increases learning.

The Stellarium program is a really neat tool that allows students to see things such as phases of the moon, orbits of the planets, etc. in the classroom.  By being able to change the days and locations, the students can explore in a safe environment and get a deeper understanding of the universe we live in. 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Week 2-Web 2.0

This week, I added information to my Delicious and Goodreads accounts. I posted the links to them under my Links List here on the blog. I am excited to continue using these resources because they are very helpful in preparing lessons during the practicum and hopefully throughout the rest of my career.
Goodreads is a great way to share book recommendations with an endless pool of book information. I personally really love to read, so I like to see what others have read and why they enjoyed them. There are so many books out there that I have never heard of, but are very good books, so Goodreads allows me to find those books and keep track of the ones I eventually want to read.
Delicious is an awesome network that stores and shares information about sites readily available to use in the classroom. Often times, templates for games, lesson plans, and fun educational videos are available, and this site allows for easy access to them!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 1

What do I know about technology?  I know the general things about it--the basics in programs such as word, excel, powerpoint, internet, google earth and a little about digital storybooks.  I have had experience with the assignments in this class but I hope to expand my knowledge even more and do my very best.

Week 1-PLE Created

First week! How exciting. :D